Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Lunar New Year and Groundhog Day

 What a busy two first days of the week! Tuesday was Lunar New Year. We learned all about the celebration and how many friends are celebrating and welcoming in the year of the tiger. We watched dragon dances and made our very own dragons to make dance.

Today was Groundhog day. We learned about the folklore behind this day, watched the groundhog day celebration in Nova Scotia and built our very own groundhog puppets. We added a song and a poem to our poem and song books to practice reading as a large group.

I have seen amazing growth in our little learners since the beginning of January! We are starting to be able to use our letter sounds to sound out to read and write!  Our ability read read sight words is also improving! We are starting to talk about how stories have a beginning, middle and end and continue to work on story retelling.

In Math we are working hard to understand addition and subtraction we are learning to use counters (manipulatives), drawings, and number lines to understand the concept of more/less and bigger/smaller when working on equations.

In Social studies we have begun to talk about the concept of citizenship. We have talked about how groups make decisions and how we can be kind.

In Science, we are working on mixing paint and will be applying paint various surfaces to see the effect. I suggest students don't wear their very favourite clothes for the next two weeks. There is always a risk of getting paint on clothes. 

I have had a couple of friend ask about Valentines day. I will allow the exchange of Valentines this year as long as there is one for everyone. We have 17 friends in our class. And that they come early so that we can isolate them for a couple days before handing out in consideration of Covid.

This weeks word work words are:






We will use these words for the next two weeks because it is a short week. There will be a quiz next week.

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