Thursday, April 28, 2022

Growing Smiles Spring Fundraiser

 It's Spring and that time of year again where everything is new and beautiful and growing!

Beddington Heights Elementary is happy to be Fundraising with Growing Smiles once again we will be selling beautiful hanging baskets, along with many varieties of potted plants.

Our Campaign is starting Friday April 29th - Friday May 13th.

Orders will arrive Thursday May 26th at Beddington Heights School

 Pick up time to be determined closer to delivery date.

Please click the link below and place your order. Feel free to share with your family and friends!

Please place child's name, teacher's name (if you know it) and grade on order form to assist with sorting.

You can make payments via credit cards or e-transfer to  Password :plants

If you have any questions about the fundraiser, please send us an email at


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Friday! Dress up as your Favourite Character Day!

  This Friday has two big events. It is dress up as your favourite character day. Dress as a book Character, movie or video game character is join in the fun. It is also our first whole school in the gym assembly! This is a first for our young learners! It has been two years since the whole school has been able to assemble together in one room. 

Here are some photos from the last couple of weeks! We finally got to build snowmen during our last snowstorm! YAY!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Volunteers Needed

 We are beginning to welcome volunteers back into our schools. If you would be available to volunteer in our classroom, please contact the office to complete the volunteer clearance forms! We have an in-school "field trip" scheduled for the end of May and will need some volunteers to help us that day! It can take a while to get the clearance completed, so the sooner you can get the process started the better!

We have been watching the wildlife found in our school filed through the seasons. This week we drew pictures to show how rabbits have changed. We have seen their coats changing and adapting, learned they live in burrows and found evidence of them losing their winter coats. We are carefully watching for more signs of spring!

We have been talking about how many creatures are born in spring and have learned about how birds make their nests. We are learning to sequence events while writing using the words, first, then, and last. First birds make their nests, then they lay their eggs, last the eggs hatch.

We finished our scratch art today and we made colourful eggs in celebration of spring!

We discovered that paint sticks to paper and not to wax crayon! We a did a great job of getting lots of crayon down as our first step to this art project.

Don't forget that there is no school tomorrow April 15th or  April 18th. Have a wonderful long weekend and if the easter bunny visits your house you are all treated well! 😁

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Domino Parking Lot Addition

 This week in Math we combined subitizing with addition and we worked on an activity called Domino parking lot addition. It helped us to develop our ability to recognize number is familiar arrangements, and count on to add. Here are some photos of us having lots of fun.

The kids had fun tring to see how tall they could make their stacks. We ran out of dominos though...

Friday, April 8, 2022

Thinking About the Past

 We have been working hard to understand what the past is and means in Social Studies. We learned what a timeline is and how it is similar to a number line.  The kids learned that their time line is shorter than Mine (by lots lol). We discussed important life events and how to draw and place important events such as moving houses, siblings being born or even moving countries can be place on their timeline.  If you have a baby photo of your child that we could place on their timeline we would love to see it. Please email that to We started watching episode of a old show about the historical past to learn about how life was different. The show is called the Little House on the Prairie! We have seen how houses, schools and stores look very different! If you are able to visit Heritage Park in the next couple of month this will help develop your little learners understanding of the past.

In Science/ Art we are learning about how paint does not stick to all surfaces. We are having fun creating our very own scratch art. Keep watching here to see the results.

Students are showing wonderful growth in their ability to sound out words to write. We have been focusing on multi-letter graphemes such as 'th', 'ch', 'wh' 'sh', 'aw', 'au' and are looking letter chunks that make one sound in our reading to help problem solve longer more complex words. The kids are becoming braver when writing and are independently writing more and more often.

In Math we have started learning about word or story problems and the Math language that helps us to know whether to add or subtract. We are working towards writing our own Math problem for others to solve. Our knowledge and memorization of basic addition and subtraction facts is really growing! We have a quiz every 3 week that is showing great growth!

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Art Residency

 This has been an exciting week with the Art Residency taking place. The kids have had the opportunity to work with a REAL artist to create a mural that will be hung outside the school for all to enjoy. Here are some photos of the kids working hard on the art!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Time is Flying By!

 Wow where did this week go? We have had a very busy week of learning and the majority of our class has been present this week. It has been so nice to see all actively learning!

We have been working hard at learning how stories have beginning middles and ends and learning about how to do a five finger retell.

Our writing goal during the next couple of Months is to write stories that have a character, setting, and a beginning, middle, and end. Students are beginning to use their knowledge of letter sounds to write new words. In grade one we call this "Kid Spelling". Yes conventional spelling is important but the first step to writing is to get their ideas down on the page. Many student are hesitant to write because they feel they are expected to do "Adult Writing" and this holds them back. Conventional spelling develops as their reading develops and with practice.

We are learning to read more and more high frequency word and students are gaining confidence as readers.It is wonderful to see their growth!

In Health we are beginning to work on a problem solving program called Kelso's choice. Conflict or disagreement is normal and often happens when children get together. However, hurtful words, gestures or physical attack are unacceptable ways to deal with conflict and disagreement at school.

My goal is to teach students several positive ways to deal with these difficult situations. To do this, we are asking students who have minor problems to try at least two of the following ideas.

1. Go to another game or activity.
2. Respectfully talk it over and listen to each other.
3. Walk away from the problem.
4. Ignore the problem behaviour.
5. Tell the person to stop the problem behaviour.
6. Apologise.
7. Make a deal or compromise.
8. Wait to cool off.
9. Share and take turns.

More. on this later.

In Social Studies we have begun talking about taking care of our environment in honour of Earth Month. We are learning about the concepts of Reduce, reuse and recycle.

In Science we have started our unit on plant growth and changes. This week we have learned about what ALL living things NEED to survive.

In Math we are playing Basic Fact games to master our basic facts. WE are working hard to memorix=ze all of our doubles facts.

I can't believe it is APRIL! Important dates this Month:
1. April 15th No school- Good Friday.
2. April 18 Easter Monday No school
3. April 29th Favourite Character Day- Dress up like your favourite book or Movie Character.
4. Ramadan April 1- May 1 (Students who are choosing to fast during this month will have space in the library during our lunch break for alternative activities.)

Have a wonderful Weekend
💚 Mrs. Diduch

Summer Library Program: Earn Chromebooks and ipads

  Over the summer months, Calgary Public Library offers the Ultimate Summer Challenge, a fun, free program that keeps kids and teens learnin...