Wow where did this week go? We have had a very busy week of learning and the majority of our class has been present this week. It has been so nice to see all actively learning!
We have been working hard at learning how stories have beginning middles and ends and learning about how to do a five finger retell.
Our writing goal during the next couple of Months is to write stories that have a character, setting, and a beginning, middle, and end. Students are beginning to use their knowledge of letter sounds to write new words. In grade one we call this "Kid Spelling". Yes conventional spelling is important but the first step to writing is to get their ideas down on the page. Many student are hesitant to write because they feel they are expected to do "Adult Writing" and this holds them back. Conventional spelling develops as their reading develops and with practice.
We are learning to read more and more high frequency word and students are gaining confidence as readers.It is wonderful to see their growth!
In Health we are beginning to work on a problem solving program called Kelso's choice. Conflict or disagreement is normal and often happens when children get together. However, hurtful words, gestures or physical attack are unacceptable ways to deal with conflict and disagreement at school.
My goal is to teach students several positive ways to deal with these difficult situations. To do this, we are asking students who have minor problems to try at least two of the following ideas.
1. Go to another game or activity.
2. Respectfully talk it over and listen to each other.
3. Walk away from the problem.
4. Ignore the problem behaviour.
5. Tell the person to stop the problem behaviour.
6. Apologise.
7. Make a deal or compromise.
8. Wait to cool off.
9. Share and take turns.
More. on this later.
In Social Studies we have begun talking about taking care of our environment in honour of Earth Month. We are learning about the concepts of Reduce, reuse and recycle.
In Science we have started our unit on plant growth and changes. This week we have learned about what ALL living things NEED to survive.
In Math we are playing Basic Fact games to master our basic facts. WE are working hard to memorix=ze all of our doubles facts.
I can't believe it is APRIL! Important dates this Month:
1. April 15th No school- Good Friday.
2. April 18 Easter Monday No school
3. April 29th Favourite Character Day- Dress up like your favourite book or Movie Character.
4. Ramadan April 1- May 1 (Students who are choosing to fast during this month will have space in the library during our lunch break for alternative activities.)
Have a wonderful Weekend
💚 Mrs. Diduch